Go! TypeRacer! Go! - the new olympic sport...

TypeRacer is a typing speed comparison site. It lets you race against peers who are online either as a registered user or a guest. It presents you with gibberish of some text which you need to type, using the right single quotes and capitalizing the I's. If your preferred method of typing is a Word document with automatic spelling correction, you are in for a tough time. But hey, I managed it, so it may not be so difficult after all. Here is a screengrab from one of my races

I also typed quotes from the Matrix and the Namesake by Mira Nair, in other races, so it'll be interesting to see what other literary treasure is hidden when racing again, wink wink. If you do sign up, invite me, and we'll have a race.

taking newspapers to the next level...

I came across this blog today which takes newspaper ads and articles to the next level... posting scans that range from the obvious

to bragging

to hilarious

to life saving

More at Criggo

TimeSculpture - interesting visual effects

Toshiba is promoting its UpScaling product with this advertisement

Stunning, isnt it? and here is their behind the scenes video of the making

yes, its mindblowing... I wont say anything more

Bangkok Insurance Ads



twins are taking over the world...

Improv Everywhere has this nice post about a bunch of twins doing a human mirror imitation on a train in New York... watch the video and the read the article here

They had also done a All-Freeze in Grand Central earlier and the site lists other unique and hilarious missions... the frozen grand central video is below...

amazing street art animation

apparently some folks just have too much time on their hands... just watch the video

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from Vimeo.

Office Wars IV - Friday Strikes Back

Seriously, one of the best office war videos I have seen in a while... and I felt like I saw every war movie ever made in 10 minutes :)

http://view.break.com/521743 - Watch more free videos