Found this cool flash game at lufthansa's site (linky).. comment me if you beat my score...
Flying high...
I'll do this tomorrow! Bye!!!
That was my first thought when I saw this interesting flowchart but then I will forget about it, and I thought about the other more important work I had to do and decided I can procrastinate this way too... :)
Via Swiss Miss via Accordian Guy
too much encryption...
I wrote a program to encrypt my code comments; Trouble was, they wanted me to encrypt the comments I wrote in the encryption program too!!!
Boys will be boys... while Sachin remains a gentleman... and a friend of mine blogged about it too...
the process of reading a research paper...
I know that every grad student goes through this process of reading a paper, which is very similar to working with a Windows 95 machine (it has only marginally improved from then)... You will begin doing something important when you suddenly get the BSoD (u know, the blue screen of death) and you will reboot! Now that would get stuck in the BIOS loading and you will do a cold-boot by pressing the restart button for 5 seconds! Finally, bliss!!! You are up and running your favorite windows although you have forgotten what you were working on :)
PhD Comics by Jorge Cham is all about the life and adventures (or the lack thereof) of grad students and recently published 4 comics summarizing the process of reading a research paper and I could only think of the first time I tried reading a paper that involved using statistical functions to analyze the characteristics of EEG signals only to realize my brain activity came to a grinding halt!!! here are the stages that appeared in the comic (in the same order)
1) BSoD
2) Ctrl+Alt+Del
3) Cold-boot
4) so, what's it about?