My dreams... fade away... so quickly...

People tell me if I have a dream, I should follow it... but then the dreams fade by the time I get down the stairs in my house... so wonder I am not achieving anything :D from xkcd comics


Best pecimen for a Turing Test

The Daily WTF is a website dedicated to giving a daily dose of what not to do in the IT field and life, in general... and though most of the posts are intriguing, this one simply takes the cake... A conversation between a HR lady at a company and a newly hired guy who was self employed before...

HR Lady: Can I have the phone number of the consulting company where you worked for the past 6 years?
New Hire Guy: I was self employed. I am the owner and sole employee of the consulting company and I would be happy to answer any questions you have.
HR Lady: No, I need to call to verify!
New Hire Guy: ...But you'll just be calling me.
HR Lady: I have to call — what's the number?
New Hire Guy: The number of the office is [my cell number].
(note: I'm standing 2 feet directly in front of her. She dials the phone and I answer.)
HR Lady: Hello — this is Paula from Initrode Global, calling in reference to Snoofle's employment.
New Hire Guy: (both into the cell phone and to her): I know, I'm standing right in front of you.
Her (into the phone): Could you please verify the dates of Snoofle's employment at VirtuDyne, Intelligenuity and Initech?
New Hire Guy: (reading from my résumé that is laying on her desk in front of her): VirtuDyne: a1 to b1, Intelligenuity: a2 to b2, and Initech: a3 to b3.
HR Lady: Great, thank you! *click*
New Hire Guy: (directly to her): ...Did you not notice that you were talking to me right here in front of you?
HR Lady: I know, but I have to call to check these things.


Sometimes you wish delusions last forever...

We all have been deluded one time or other, and being a single nerd takes it to a whole new level... I had once discussed the concept of dating a girl to provide her tech support (though it actually never happened to me in life) and was not at all surprised when such a sequence appeared in the Dilbert strips recently... here they are for your viewing pleasure...

eh dandanakka... eh danakunakka...

I am pretty sure you would have come across this Wikipedia entry for dappan kuthu but the current version has undergone significant revisions from what it used to be sometime (eons in internet time) ago... so I decided to dig in the history of the article and pulled up the How To which was there available in this edit...

The following steps may be taken as a basic dance pattern for beginners. Dappaankuthu is essentially freeform, and each dancer makes of it what he or she will.

1. Take one step with your foot.
2. If you just brought your left foot forward, point your left fist to the sky and your right fist directly ahead, otherwise do the opposite.
3. If you bring your left fist skyward, look straight ahead or slightly upwards, otherwise look down at your feet.
4. The above three steps must be done simultaneously.
5. Bob your torso up and down once.
6. Repeat with the other foot.
7. Maintain a pace of one step every second, with a bob equidistant between every two steps.

and just for the heck of it, couple of videos

and my all time favorite from 12B

The iPhone version 2 mash up...

The phone is rumored to come out in june but Giz invited a photoshop contest from its readers... there are 100's of pictures available here but thought i'll post a few i found interesting...

I must say that this one is the best... it combines the best of one world with the lifesaver inadvertently given in the other much darker world.. its geek-speak

this is a possibility...

and only last week, I was talking to a friend about this very specific idea of integrating keyboard and mouse by using the iphone like a mac...